
Livestock Guardian Dog

The most unique of my LGDs, Tribble is a Karakachan, a breed developed in the mountains of Bulgaria.  He was born in the late Fall of 2019.  I bought him from another targeted grazing contractor right here in Nevada County.  He was just a pup and still in the field with his mother, littermates, and the goat herd.  As a puppy, Tribble’s winter coat was so long and fluffy, he looked more like a ball of orange and white fur than a dog.  I named him after the Star Trek episode “The Trouble with Tribbles”.  Tribble has the longest hair of all of my LGDs.  The hair has the consistency of Velcro, attaching to all manner of twigs, sticks, and burrs.  Daily brushing is a must.

Tribble surprised me as a LGD.  Most LGDs are very rough with the new kids (baby goats) for the first couple of years of the dog’s life.  They just want to play with the kids like they would another dog.  Tribble was never like that.  He was always very gentle with the kids and very much a flock dog, not interested in patrolling the perimeter of the fence.